
Hi, my name is Lorraigne
I am a graduate of the Utah School of Pet Grooming and a certified professional pet grooming stylist. I am continually pursuing pet grooming education through various programs and seminars.
I'm married to my wonderful husband, Clint. We own ShowerLove Pet Grooming Spa together.
At a young age, I spent a lot of time rescuing dogs and taking them to the vet and bathing them in my own house to help them find a lovely home. I wished with all my heart to help find dogs loving owners that would keep them safe. This work was innate to my nature as I have always had a special communication with the dogs.
Coming from Venezuela and making my home in this wonderful country, I can see the importance of the dog as a family member, so it is important that they are clean and beautiful as it produces more love and respect and compassion for them. For that reason in our spa we want to give the best service with love, care, compassion, and safety, and groom the dogs to
make them look great and smell good.
I love to see the happiness of the dogs and the parents when they meet each other after the ShowerLove spa day. This does not have price.
I look forward to the opportunity to meet your furry best friend. I will see you soon.
Lorraigne xx